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4 Tips For Chain-Link Fence Maintenance And Repairs

The most practical and affordable options for fencing are chain-link materials. The fencing materials are durable and can be used for all sorts of enclosures and fencing for your property. Maintenance and repairs will help ensure these materials last for years. To ensure that your fence only needs occasional maintenance, here are some tips to help with the upkeep of chain-link fencing materials:

1. Correctly Tensioning Chain-Link Fence Sections to Prevent Damage

One of the errors that amateur fence installers make is not tensioning chain-link materials correctly. Each individual run of chain-link materials needs to be tensioned evenly to prevent problems, like bulges, in areas of the fence and damage to links. Chain-link fence sections should be tensioned to a point where they are firm when you press on them and bounce back in place when you remove your hand. Over time, the fencing materials may come loose and need to be tensioned as part of regular maintenance.

2. Diagonal Bracing to Support Corner Posts and Reduce Wear

Diagonal bracing is something that is often left off fencing but helps support the corner posts. Over time, tension can cause fence posts to weaken and lean, which, in turn, causes the fence to lose tension. To solve this problem, install bracing at the corner posts of your fence to provide more support and prevent these problems.

3. Tensioned Cable Solutions to Reinforce Chain Link Fences

Chain-link fencing often has top rails and tension cables that hold the fence in place. Your fence may only have a top rail and a single cable at the bottom. To reinforce your fence and prevent damage, install tensioned cables on the top, middle, and bottom of each run of fencing. There are also tensioned cable systems that can be installed on gates, which help prevent sagging and can be adjusted as the gate settles over time.

4. Planning Landscaping and Trimming Vegetation Near Chain-Link Fencing

The landscaping around your fence is also an important part of maintenance. Poor landscaping design can cause damage to chain-link fences when vegetation can grow uncontrolled. Talk with a landscaping service about the right plants to add privacy to chain-link fencing and maintenance of vegetation to prevent damage.

These are some tips to help ensure your chain-link fencing only needs occasional maintenance and fewer repairs. If you need help with the installation, improvements, or repairs to your fence, contact a landscaping service for help with choosing the right combination of fencing materials and plants for your fence.

For more information, talk to companies like Estate Landscape.
