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Suggestions For Landscaping A Small Yard

Landscaping a small yard has its challenges. Tall plants and bushy shrubs can overpower the space and make your property look cluttered and crowded. That doesn't mean you have to give up your dream of a beautiful landscape, but you might need professional help with the design. Here are some suggestions for landscaping a small yard.

Choose Small Flowers And Dwarf Shrubs

Choosing small varieties of plants and flowers means they'll be compact, so they don't take up too much room. This requires knowledge of different types of plants and how they'll look when mature. Rather than choose based on color or appearance alone, consider how the shrub or plant will look when it's reached maturity. However, don't forget scale. If you have a multi-level home on a small lot, a few tall plants or a single tree might help balance out the height of the house.

Opt For Color

Color livens up any yard, and it draws the eye. A border of colorful flowers around your foundation or the border of your property will add personality without taking up too much space. A row of flowers can also be planted along walkways and your driveway. Even pots of colorful flowers on your porch can add beauty to your yard and take the emphasis off of it being small.

Install Winding Paths

Winding paths that lead to a bench surrounded by plants or flowers is a nice touch, especially for a small backyard. A winding path can make your property seem longer than a straight and short path. Plus, when it winds through a flower garden or vegetable garden, it provides interesting visual appeal as you walk to the seating area. The seating area can be adorned with a gazing ball or other decorative lawn ornaments that express your personality. However, you'll want to avoid adding too many lawn ornaments on a small yard, or they may look like clutter.

Consider A Patio

The decision to put in a patio can be a tough one when you have a small yard, and the patio will take up most of the space. However, with the right design, a patio can work well. You might want to plant a border along the end of the patio to fill the space between it and the fence, so you don't have to maintain a small strip of grass. You could also have the land around the patio professionally planned and planted with the right trees, plants, and flowers so that you don't have to work hard to maintain them and they provide you with years of beauty without having to worry about dragging out a mower to maintain a small area of grass. You can still decorate the patio with potted plants and trees to achieve a natural outdoor look and to provide some shade.

The key to a beautiful small yard is to maximize the space you have and not overwhelm it in a chaos of color, texture, and variety. If you don't have a knack for outdoor design, a residential landscape design planner can help transform your yard into an oasis of beauty. 
