Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Are You Landscaping The Front Of Your House?

You're more than likely heard the words curb appeal. That's probably just what you want as you and others go to your house, right? There's just something very special about driving up to a house that is beautifully designed and that has unique landscaping. You may have decided that it's time for you to make some changes to the front of your house, paying special attention to the landscaping. From creating a planting design to adding masonry to your plan, here are some ideas that might help you to landscape the front of your house so that it looks like it could appear in a house and garden magazine. 

Start With An Evaluation - Besides giving the front of your house a more beautiful look with landscaping, think of other things you might want to add or to change. For example, it might be time to add the pretty wrought iron bench you've been wanting to the front porch of your house. Or, you might have been wanting to add some pizzaz to the front of your house by repainting the front door a bold color. It might be that brass light fixtures and brass address numerals might need to be polished to give them a like-new appearance. Think of making a list of things you want to change and of things you want to add. As you accomplish each item, check it off the list. And, consider taking pictures as you make the changes. They'll be fun to look at when your project is finished.

Add A Focal Point - As you consider what you want as your focal point, think of details that will add interest to your landscaping. Have you thought about hiring a mason to add decorative touches, both small and large, to your landscaping? For example, masonry services might create a winding walkway to your front door, replacing the straight one that wasn't that interesting to begin with. How much space do you have in the front of your house? Consider whether or not a mason could add a circular driveway to the landscape. If you do decide to go with a circular driveway, the mason will have the training and the experience to recommend the best design and the best material to use. For example, he or she might recommend that you use concrete for most of the driveway, but to add brick to the part of the driveway that is right in front of your front door.
