Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Minimize And Prevent Soil Erosion On Your Property

There is nothing more frustrating than planting a new garden that contains seeds for your favorite crops and then coming outdoors shortly afterward and noticing that soil has blown all over the sidewalks that surround your garden. If you live in a region that is flat and prone to soil erosion, you will need to think outside the box to contain the soil in your garden. Use the following tips to assist with keeping the soil contained:

Have Your Soil Tested

If the dry, windy weather conditions are doing a number on your garden, perhaps the soil variety is partially to blame. If you have soil that is crumbly and does not hold water very well, you will consistently need to worry about the soil shifting. Hire someone to test the soil to determine if it is lacking any nutrients that would be beneficial to your garden.

You may be able to change the consistency by simply adding some fertilizer or peat to the soil, or you may be advised to replace the soil with an organic product that is sold by a landscaping company. After the soil consistency is up to par, keep the soil moist by installing an irrigation system next to the garden and programming it to release water at specific times of the day. 

Create An Elevated Border

An elevated border that surrounds the garden will not only prevent soil from shifting, but may also keep small critters out of the garden. Small fencing panels or metal dividers can be used to create a makeshift border. Before choosing which type of border to add, measure the length and width of the garden.

Bring the measurements when you go shopping for materials that will be used to create the border. Learn about the attributes of each material and choose the one that you feel most comfortable installing and that will not hinder the beauty of your property. 

Plant Trees And Bushes

Although planting trees and bushes is not a quick fix because either item will require time to mature, you will be setting yourself up for success in the future. Purchase saplings or bush varieties that are known for their large size once they have fully matured.

Perhaps you could create a privacy border with one or more varieties by planting them several feet away from the garden. As the trees and bushes mature they will block the wind, which will minimize the amount of soil erosion that you incur.

For more information about minimizing soil erosion in your garden, contact companies like Bark Blowers & Hydroseeding Inc.
