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Flea Control Tips For Your Home And Yard

Fleas are a constant threat when you have a dog or cat that spends time outdoors. You might see fleas occasionally, or your ankles might be covered with them by the time you cross the yard. Controlling fleas usually requires multiple approaches. You'll need to treat your pets, the inside of your home, and your yard. Here are some steps to getting a flea problem under control.

Get Help From The Vet

Take your dog or cat to the vet for flea treatments that are safe and effective. When you control fleas on your pets, you reduce the number of fleas that jump off them and infest your house. Vet treatments are effective and can get fleas under control better than relying on flea shampoos and powders that might harm your pets.

Get Pest Control Treatments

If your flea infestation is bad, call a pest control company like Natural Green Lawn and Pest to treat your yard and the inside of your home. Since fleas live on blood, they may bite you or your kids once your pets have been treated. Outdoor treatments also protect against ticks, which you want to keep away from your family as well. You might need multiple treatments to get rid of all the fleas as they go through their life cycle.

Vacuum Frequently

When you have fleas in your house, they tend to stay where your pets hang out. You'll find them in pet bedding and carpet. Get rid of fleas hiding in the carpet by vacuuming. Vacuum daily until the infestation is under control. Check your pet's bedding. Wash it in hot water to kill fleas. You may want to wash the bedding several times throughout the summer to help keep fleas away.

Practice Prevention All Season

Once the infestation is over, you'll want to keep up with flea control measures or the fleas may take over your yard and home again. Give your pets their flea medication on schedule and continue to vacuum frequently. Keep in mind, you can still have fleas in your home even if you don't have pets. Fleas may come from squirrels, rats, or raccoons that live in your attic or crawl space. If you have a pest problem, have it eliminated so the pests don't contribute to the flea population in your home.

Controlling fleas is often frustrating because you think they're gone but it's not long until they all come back. Using the right kind of pesticide is important for disrupting the life cycles of the fleas so new ones don't keep replacing the adults you've killed off. If you try DIY flea killers and they don't work, get help from a pest control professional so you can get rid of fleas for good.
