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3 Reasons Fertilization Benefits Your Lawn

Even if you hire a lawn care company to keep your lawn cut and groomed, your yard probably won't look its best unless you have fertilizer applied too. A lawn mowing service may not provide other types of lawn care that keep your grass lush and healthy, but you can hire a lawn fertilizing company to put your lawn on a schedule of treatments as they're needed for healthy and strong growth. Here are three reasons why fertilizing a lawn is so important.

1. Healthy Grass Means Fewer Weeds

Your grass may be attractive when it's mowed and edged, but when it starts to grow out, you may notice there are many weeds mixed in with the grass that detract from the beauty of your lawn. While herbicides can get rid of weeds, another way to control them is to grow healthy grass. When the grass grows in thick and strong, the blades crowd out weeds so weeds can't get a start in your lawn.

2. Fertilizer Makes Colors More Vibrant

Fertilizing your lawn makes all the growth look healthier and more vibrant. Your grass has a deep green color and flowers are more colorful, bountiful, and longer-lasting. When fertilizer is applied to your lawn, grass and other plants get all the minerals and ingredients they need to grow to their full beauty and health potential.

3. Healthy Grass Is Less Susceptible To Insect Damage

Your grass has to battle dangers during the summer that can make the grass turn brown or look sick. Insects and diseases have a better chance of affecting your grass when it's in a weakened state. Even mowing could lead to illness if a blade isn't sharp enough and tears the grass. When the grass grows strong through the appropriate use of fertilizer, the roots and blades are able to resist insects and lawn diseases much better. Healthy grass may survive periods of drought better too and spring back to life easier once the dry period ends.

To get these important benefits from lawn fertilization services, your lawn will need treatments at specific times of the year so new grass grows in strong with healthy roots and stays green and healthy during the hot summer months. Your lawn fertilization service will set up a schedule based on the health of your soil and lawn, the type of grass you have, and the composition of your soil. Treatments can be applied whether you're home or not, so they are a convenient way to grow a beautiful lawn instead of struggling with weeds, brown patches, and bare spots.

For more information, contact companies such as Texas Green Turf.
