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5 Things To Expect During A Sprinkler Installation

If you are considering a new sprinkler system installation, you may be wondering what exactly goes into the process. The following can provide a basic idea of what to expect.

1. Planning and Permitting

Every new sprinkler system starts with a plan. Your installation tech will meet with you to determine your specific irrigation needs. They will work out the best location to lay lines and set up watering zones. They will also choose the best types of emitters for each area of the lawn, from far-reaching rotary and spray heads to more targeted drip emitters and bubblers. Once the plan is complete, they will submit it for any permits that may be required by your municipality. 

2. Lawn Marking

Ahead of installation day, local utility companies will be contacted so they can mark the location of vital lines in your yard, such as water mains and gas lines. These will be flagged in specific colors so your installation crew can identify them. Then the installer will come and mark out the location for each irrigation line to be installed, using either flags or washable yard paint. 

3. Trenching and Lines

Small trenches or furrows will be dug along the layout lines marked on the lawn. These are narrow furrows that allow the installer to slip in the lines without long-lasting damage to the lawn grass. In fact, often the lawn won't show any signs of digging following installation. A few larger holes may be necessary for placing joints and valves. The sod is typically cut away from these areas so that it can be replaced afterward.

4. Pipe Laying

Pipes are laid out along the side of each furrow, with the requisite connectors and valves placed at the correct locations. Once everything is in place and inspected, the installers will begin connecting the lines and slipping them into the furrows. Each fitting will be double and triple-checked to make sure it is attached correctly.

5. Testing and Finishing

Before closing the furrows, your installers will first test the system. The lines will be hooked up to the water supply and the system will be checked for leaks and proper pressurization. Once everything is adjusted, the furrows are closed and any removed sod is put back in place. Then the system is attached to the automatic control system and programmed as desired. 

Contact a sprinkler system installation service if you have further questions about the installation process.
