Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Tips And Tricks For Small Yard Landscaping

What do you see when you look out at your home's yard? If you own a home with a relatively small yard, you might see constraints and limitations. While small yards might initially seem like a poor canvas for landscaping, the reality is that these spaces can often be beautiful and functional. However, getting the most out of a small space can require more effort and planning.

If you want to give your cozy yard the makeover it deserves, this article will help you get started. Keep reading for three crucial tips and tricks to turn even the smallest yards into attractive spaces that your whole family can enjoy.

1. Set Clear Goals

When you have a very large yard, you'll often have room to experiment and install various hard and softscaping features throughout the space. However, taking the same approach with a small yard can make your lawn feel crowded or chaotic. Instead, one of the most important things you can do is design your landscaping renovation with clear goals.

Common goals for landscaping small yards include creating spaces for entertainment, building decorative or edible gardens, or simply increasing your home's curb appeal. A professional landscaping contractor can help you better understand and focus on your goals, allowing you to go into your project with a clear path that will make the most of the space available.

2. Utilize Verticality

Vertical space is an often-overlooked element of landscaping. While your yard might not have a huge amount of square footage, you likely have plenty of upward space ready for use. Properly caring for and maintaining your trees is one way to add vertical beauty to your yard, but there are plenty of other ways to utilize this available space.

If you plan on using your yard for gardening, don't ignore vertical landscaping features such as wall or tower planters. Tall hardscaping features with relatively small footprints, such as fountains or statues, can also be a great option to add drama to your yard, even if you don't have much space. A skilled landscaper can likely recommend even more options to grow your yard upward instead of outward.

3. Avoid Single-Use Features

Dividing your yard into multiple discrete areas can make sense when you have a huge expanse of lawn. Unfortunately, creating these individual divisions in a smaller yard can lead to crowded areas. A better option is often to avoid single-use features and make areas as multi-functional as possible. This approach allows you to utilize your space without overcrowding portions of your lawn.

For example, creating an area that serves as both a garden and a place for entertaining can be a great way to get more functionality out of the same space. However, getting the most from these areas without overcrowding your yard can be challenging, so working with a professional will often be the best way to squeeze more functionality out of even the smallest yards. Contact landscaping contractors in your area to learn more.
